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Evennett Steps In To Help Shoe Appeal

David Evennett MPDavid Evennett, MP for Bexleyheath and Crayford, is pictured with presenter Zoë Salmon during an event at the House of Commons for the annual BBC Blue Peter Appeal. MPs were asked to participate by donating a pair of shoes for a recycling and reconditioning scheme to help victims of HIV and AIDS in Malawi. Mr Evennett donated a brand new pair of Reebok Classic trainers.  

Blue Peter hopes to collect 500,000 pairs of shoes and raise £500,000 through associated fundraising activities. 

Mr Evennett said “I am delighted to meet the presenters and do my bit for their very worthwhile appeal. More than 600,000 children have lost at least one of their parents to the disease in Malawi, and I wish Blue Peter every success”.

November saw the launch of appeal asking the UK’s children to send shoes for recycling to help raise money for UNICEF’s work in Malawi with children facing the consequences of HIV and AIDS. Many of these children are orphans, living on their own and often responsible for the welfare of younger siblings. The shoes collected are being reconditioned and shipped overseas where they are sold in countries where people find it easier to afford second-hand shoes.

The scale of the problem in Malawi:

·                     Someone dies of AIDS every 9 minutes

·                     More than 600,000 children have lost one or both parents

·                     65% of the population live on < 60p/day

·                     1 child in 5 likely to die before 5 yrs/ Average life expectancy 40 yrs